to C.A.P.S.
Combat Aircrew Preservation Society (C.A.P.S.) is a non-profit
organization dedicated to the living memories of combat
aircrews through the preservation of their personal stories.
stories, pictures, and graphics found within the C.A.P.S.
website have been compiled, edited, and recorded through
the generous donations of its members and are the sole
property of the C.A.P.S. organization. As a visitor, we
encourage you to read the stories, view the pictures,
and enjoy your visit.
hope that you will decide to support our work by becoming
a member. With your membership, you will be given access
to additional benefits that can be view on the Join C.A.P.S.
of Use:
entering this site, you agree not to duplicate, copy,
print, or used in anyway, the material within this site,
without the expressed written consent of the C.A.P.S.
Board of Directors.
Thanks: All photos of 490th Bomb Group personnel provided
by Eric Swain,
490th Bomb Group Historian.